Reinvigorating NYC theaters with a “backend-in-a-box” that supports theaters to use their spaces more
Image of Meghan Finn in black and white


Meghan Finn

Reinvigorating NYC theaters with a “backend-in-a-box” that supports theaters to use their spaces more
Image of Meghan Finn in black and white





For 17 Years This Nonprofit Theater Company Has Helped Launch Careers Of Oscar And Pulitzer Prize Nominees

Artists long to write, create and share their work with the world. Who can relate to Claude Monet who reportedly said, “I had so much fire in me and so many plans.”…
“Now I get to say yes to thousands of artists every year when they look at me with that look, that's like, I have this story that I really need to tell.⁠”
Meghan Finn
2024 David Prize Winner

Update from winner

Meghan Finn Instagram Post
You've only got 6 chances left to see KARA & EMMA & BARBARA & MIRANDA at @thetanknyc.


Paper Magazine

Jeremy O. Harris and Maia Novi Are Invading Downtown Theatre

The Tank is still existing and making sure that young writers and directors can have a place to practice their work. And that's really, really affirming…
Merchandise at The Tank theater


Broadway World

Meghan Finn, Artistic Director Of The Tank, Honored With 200k David Prize

The Prize seeds and celebrates those who contribute incrementally, over days and decades, to this unique city. It’s our privilege to learn from and support these recipients who represent the best of New York City…



Monica Makes It Happen: ‘Financial Empowerment For Women‘

Monica Morales is joined by the executive director and winner of The David Prize, an initiative of The The Walentas Family Foundation recognizing New Yorkers with ideas for change…