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Winner Story

Jason Gibson
Portrait of Jason Gibson
Jason, raised in Queensbridge Houses, founded Hood Code to bridge NYC's digital divide, empowering NYCHA youth with free coding education.

Jason believes children deserve every chance to succeed, regardless of zip code and background. Growing up in the Queensbridge Houses, he found that both were strikes against him. Now, as the father of a teenager, Jason is motivated to broaden the range of opportunities available — and the kinds of people who get access.

Throughout New York City, lower-income New Yorkers, older adults, and communities of color have the lowest adoption rates of digital tools. Most of the nearly one-third of New York City households that lack broadband access are located in high-poverty neighborhoods. This digital divide creates a lasting economic disadvantage for these communities, limiting educational and employment opportunities alike.

After becoming involved in the drug trade as a young adult, Jason was arrested and served five years in prison. Upon release, he found a new North Star: serving his community and creating sustainable pathways to economic stability.

Jason started Hood Code to empower youth living in NYCHA housing via coding education. Since its launch in 2019, the program has grown to offer multiple offerings: one-day workshops, 13-week courses, and summer camps, all free of charge. The goal? To provide NYCHA youth with the skills needed to access opportunities in the 21st-century economy.

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