
Yunseon Esther Kim

Using algebra to empower kids with interrupted education in NYC

Black and white image of Yunseon Esther Kim
Revive NY
Black and white image of Yunseon Esther Kim

Algebra plays a gatekeeper role to higher education. Taking and passing an algebra class determine whether students can access advanced classes and graduate high school. Each year, interrupted education prevents thousands of children from being able to access and learn algebra in NYC. This creates ripple effects that further education and income inequality among underserved populations.

Yunseon grew up as an immigrant kid in NYC and her mission to help kids like her succeed is a deeply personal one. During her tenure as a public school teacher, Yunseon led intervention programs for at-risk youth and spearheaded dual-language math initiatives for English language learners. She received several accolades for her work, including a Fulbright grant to explore best teaching practices supporting immigrant and minority students.

Yunseon created in the hopes of empowering students with interrupted education through algebra. Through this program, both students and teachers can access resources tailored to learners with gaps in their education. ReviveNY currently offers video lessons, workbooks, NYS standards aligned curriculum maps, lesson plans, and assessments in a Spanish-English dual language platform. Through ReviveNY, Yunseon hopes to provide equitable learning opportunities and enact meaningful change for children with interrupted education in NYC.
