
Geneva White

Building a more sustainable, inclusive and equitable creative economy in NYC

Black and white photograph of Geneva White who is building a more sustainable, inclusive and equitable creative economy in NYC.
Scope of Work
Creativity & Culture
Black and white photograph of Geneva White who is building a more sustainable, inclusive and equitable creative economy in NYC.

Geneva is a creative industry veteran who has witnessed firsthand the sector’s insurmountable barriers to entry for NYC’s young people of color. Geneva and Co-Founder, Eda Levenson founded Scope of Work (SOW) in 2016 in response — a talent agency for young Black, Indigenous, and people of color creatives. SOW creates intentional pathways into NYC’s creative sector through talent development, a non-traditional and inclusive skill-building space; talent pipeline, a paid fellowship program connecting young people to early workplace experiences; and talent agency, which offers recruitment and placement services to young BIPOC creatives.