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Winner Story

Cielo Villa
Portrait of Cielo Villa
Cielo, once undocumented, founded Road to Uni, an ed-tech platform that guided NYC students through the college application process

Cielo’s life in New York City started as an undocumented new immigrant from Peru. She was single-mindedly focused on getting to college and building a life in the USA from there. A top student, she leveraged leadership academies, resources, and mentorships to figure out the college application process. Cielo saw there was also plenty of luck involved…and she questioned why luck was needed just to get to the next step in education.

Enter Road to Uni, inspired by Cielo’s road to Wellesley College. The non-profit ed-tech platform provided around-the-clock resources, information, and guidance to NYC students with college access questions so they’d be able to apply to and successfully access college. Aiming to aid and collaborate with overworked high school guidance counselors, Road to Uni streamlined key information and provided project management resources.

With this guidance, students across New York have been empowered to complete one task at a time until they finish the biggest project of their high school career: applying to college.

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